Diablo 3 reaper of souls
Diablo 3 reaper of souls

diablo 3 reaper of souls

In contrast to the main game, the choice of materials plays in "Reaper of Souls" is now a great role. This means in reverse conclusion that you need to be active, to Sets to complete. If you want to sell something, you need to meet directly with other players. The mystic must be unlocked in act five with the Quest "Souls of the Dead". You sell not, therefore, be equal to anything! However, the price increases with each new enchantment, so you need to weigh up whether and when the investment is worth it. The occurrence is known as "World of Warcraft"players: for a price, the mystic can change the appearance of your items.

  • With the mystic, there is in "Reaper of Souls" a whole new trader, which can change your items magically.
  • This is worth it, but thanks to the new loot system "Loot 2.0", because you will find mostly only those Items that come to you as a Crusader, also explicitly for the benefit of.
  • All who play the new class, the Crusader, obviously start from scratch in the main game.
  • Not to worry: The Good, or Evil, runs guaranteed not to way! Therefore, you should wait until you have reached the new Maximum level 70.

    diablo 3 reaper of souls

  • Who defeated the Endboss Malthael in the "Diablo 3"expansion "Reaper of Souls" for the first Time, receives a Level-matched, legendary item as a "Bonus Legendary".

  • Diablo 3 reaper of souls